Balanced Body Fitness & Wellness Studio

​​Fitness & Wellness Specialists

​​Balanced Body Fitness & Wellness Cottage

     ​Anyone can benefit from our unique Massage Programs.

This unique, powerful and productive program is perfect for the active individual seeking to fine-tune their body or the everyday person seeking to resolve tight and painful muscles and joints.

Myokinesis / Massage Therapy  Programs are not just for injuries. Our Programs specialize in maintenance programs that will help improve your quality of life, improve flexibility and keep you pain-free.

Copyright © Balanced Body Fitness and Wellness 


How do I begin?

Balanced Body Fitness and Wellness specializing in Private Fitness Personal Trainers, Wellness Specialists and Massage Therapists, Serving Bayport, Blue Point, Holbrook, Patchogue, and Sayville

Massage Therapy Services


     Enjoy our Zen / Massage Room


​Myokinesis Therapy combines Massage Therapy with Corrective Exercise to help prevent future injuries and resolve chronic pain and over-contracted muscles. 

Myokinesis Therapy helps restore full range of motion, flexibility, balance, strength, and endurance.

     We are committed to helping you to return to a pain free                        lifestyle and improve your quality of life.


Myokinesis / Massage Therapy

Balanced Body Fitness and Wellness 

​​Massage Therapy & Myokinesis Therapy

Enjoy Balanced Body Fitness and Wellness Zen/ Massage Treatment Room. Our private Massage Treatment room is soothing and comfortable with a wood burning Vermont Stove, waterfall and Zen atmosphere.

​Enjoy the atmosphere and aroma therapy as you experience a relaxing Swedish Massage and feel the stress melt away.

​​Seeking  Myokinesis / Massage Therapy, Sports Massage, Medical Massage or a Deep Tissue treatment? Rest assure, our Zen/ Massage Treatment Room is the perfect relaxing environment for those more aggressive treatments. 

To begin, select one of the many services we offer, give us a call and we will set up an appointment.  

Not sure about which treatment?

     We can help, give us a call.​​

Copyright © Balanced Body Fitness and Wellness 

*Swedish Massage

​*Couples Massage

*Oriental Massage

*Deep Tissue

*Medical Massage

*Acupressure Treatment

*Scar Tissue FAST Release

*Trigger Point Therapy

*Myofascial Release

*Lymphatic Drainage

*Hot Stone Therapy

*Cryotherapy/ Hydroculator

*Active Isolated Stretching

*Passive/ Active Stretching

*Sports Massage

Myokinesis/ Massage Programs can help correct unresolved muscular imbalances and/ or pain. Our Programs help promote healing and ease the transition into independent exercise programs after surgery or after completing a physiotherapy treatment.  ​​

Balanced Body Massages offers a variety of Massage / Myokinesis Therapy Programs in Bayport, Blue Point, Patchogue & Sayville.

We understand everyone responds differently to Touch Therapy so we focus special attention on your unique body and specific needs.

Stretch/ ROM Sessions are also available to improve flexibility and pain free mobility. Massage Treatments and Stretch/ ROM Sessions can also be integrated with our exercise programs. What a perfect way to  Maximize Results and finish off an exercise session.

 Benefits of Massage & Myokinesis Programs

Personal Trainer & Wellness Specialists in Bayport, Blue Point, Holbrook, Patchogue & Sayville

​​Massage Therapy

Try a relaxation Swedish Massage to melt away stress or if you enjoy a more aggressive Massage Treatment, try a Sports / Medical / Deep Tissue  Massage Therapy Session to focus on specific areas of concern and help facilitate healing.

​​Balanced Body Fitness and Wellness  

Balanced Body Fitness and Wellness Studio Monthly Membership Program
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